Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day with Asyiffa

I spent a day together with Asyiffa at my house maybe 2-3 weeks ago. We did so many things, from gossiping until doing some photoshoots. Lots of fun and laugh. She's such a lovely, cutie girl, and she's a great, friendly photographer and editor. And of course, she's a good friend <3 So, she came to my house in the morning and brought so many things, from accessories until nail polishers. AAAAH her stuffs are cute and me want some of them hahaha. So, here's the pictures.

Asyiffa had an idea to make these three look better :)

Me and my little cutie sweety Bonti

Salam dari Balik Jendela

Matahari pukul 4 pada hari di bulan Juli.Tenang, hangat, walau sedikit menyilaukan.
Santai rasanya melewati Minggu sore di rumah. Jauh dari keramaian jalan yang menjenuhkan,
penuh keluhan manusia akan macetnya kota.

Aku senang melihat ke arah jendela, yang terletak di samping kananku. Kehangatan ini terasa setelah aku menyiram Si Horta, tanaman 'ajaib' yang tumbuh diatas kepala sebuah boneka. Oh iya, hanya sekedar info, Horta dibeli ayahku pada saat tes rsbi SMAN 3 Bandung. Kata ayahku, ini kenang-kenangan dari tes tersebut, harus dipelihara, diberi makan (baca: disiram), dan diajak ngobrol. Cukup tentang Horta, kita lanjutkan cerita. Jadi, setelah menyiram Horta, aku bingung harus menaruhnya dimana, karena asal kau tahu, sepertinya binatang-terbang-mini menyukainya. Jadi, aku berkeliling kamar dan akhirnya menemukan spot dimana matahari tidak langsung menyinari Horta.

Di jendela tengah kamar ayahku. Jika kau bertanya dimanakah spot itu. Aku buka sedikit jendelanya, dan kutaruh Horta disana. Saat itu aku belum menyadari betapa indahnya sinar matahari yang bersinar melalui jendela. Aku baru sadar ketika hendak duduk untuk ber-internet-ria dengan si netbook.Ketika aku melihat Horta dari tempat dudukku, alangkah manisnya ia bersembunyi dibalik jendela dari sinar matahari sore itu. Mungkin Horta tersenyum, mungkin Horta sedang ber-fotosintesis, atau mungkin bermain petak umpet dengan matahari.

Aku mirip dengan Horta, sama sama bersembunyi dari sinar matahari. Aku dibalik dinding rumahku, sedangkan Horta dibalik jendela. Tapi aku masih bisa merasakan hangatnya sinar matahari. Sambil mendengarkan lagu kesukaan, yang menenangkan, saat itu suara dari keramaian jalan tidak terdengar. Aku tidak ikut pusing karenanya, aku tidak ikut stress karena macetnya jalan dan aku tidak perlu menutup telingaku dari suara klakson mobil yang saling bersahutan. Sekarang hanya ada aku, lagu kesukaanku, dan sinar matahari yang menghangatkan sore hari. Oh iya, sepertinya segelas teh hangat tanpa gula patut menemani sore hariku. Akan kubuat terlebih dahulu sebelum lanjut bercerita denganmu, see you :)

NB: Hai matahari, ada salam dari temankecilmu di balik jendela :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Welcome Back

GOOOOOOSHHHHH it was such a long long time since my last post in this blog. Hahaha my passion just had its ups and downs. When I wanna play around w/ this blog, I got very very excited, but when I have no passion into it, I just leave this blog alone.

So, my last post was on July 18, 2010, and now, it's already 2011! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I know it's really really too late, but I don't care. June 2011, when I start to create new post again. There are so many things that happened in 11 months. And they're unforgettable.

I want to tell you one by one but I think it takes too much time
I'm sleepy now.
See you tomorrow,



Aku benar-benar malu.
Bukan hanya pada mereka,
tapi pada diriku sendiri.
Pada Tuhan
Pada orangtuaku
Pada teman-temanku
dan semua yang mengenal diriku.

Opini hanyalah opini.
Apalah arti opini tanpa disertai fakta.
Mungkin mereka dapat berpikir sesuka hati
Melambungkan ekspektasi-ekspektasi
Berkhayal melampaui pagar pembatas
Mengarang cerita tentang diriku

Entah itu bagus, entah itu buruk
Mungkin bisa kuterima
karena tak seorangpun sempurna
Aku malu
Jika ternyata diriku bukanlah
pribadi yang mereka bayangkan

Apalah kata orang jika ternyata
aku adalah orang yang berbeda
tidak sesuai apa yang mereka harapkan
tidak sesuai apa yang mereka inginkan
Jika harapan sudah diluncurkan
tak ada yang bisa mengahalanginya
Harapan hanyalah harapan
tak selamanya harus menjadi kenyataan

untuk apa aku menjadi seorang yang mereka bayangkan
Aku hanyalah aku.
Aku adalah diriku
bukan orang yang ada dalam pikiran mereka.
Lakukan untuk introspeksi diri
tapi tidak untuk mengubah diri sendiri

Tuhan, aku sungguh malu pada diriku sendiri.
Apa yang harus kulakukan saat dilema melanda
Apakah aku bisa menjadi diri sendiri
ataukah aku akan berubah
menjadi sosok yang ada di benak mereka?

Sungguh, aku malu sekaligus bangga
pada diri yang lemah tanpaMu ini
Aku malu karena aku bukan yang terbaik di mata mereka
tapi aku bangga karena aku adalah yang terbaik
bagi diriku sendiri

Berjalanlah tanpa ragu
Tatap masa depanmu, musuhmu, tantanganmu
Langkahkan kaki tanpa rasa takut
Teguhkan hati
Maka kau akan melihat sesuatu yang disebut
diri sendiri.

Shabrina. Juni 19, 2011.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

yeay it was a great holiday!- - - PART ONE

hello guys, just wanna tell you about my great-great-great holiday! Oh! I went to Jakarta for my holiday! yippie :)
July 9th 2010
8.00 a.m
before I went to Jakarta, I picked up my uncle's family firstn at their home around Buah Batu. Then 20 mins later I've already on the way to Jakarta with my mom (usually called 'TOMMY'), my uncle, my auntie, and my cousins (my three cousins).
11.30 a.m
arrived at Hotel Atlet Century Park, Senayan. Yay! finally I arrived at the hotel, and luckily, we have two grand executive rooms.
3.00 p.m
we went to Plaza Senayan to have some lunch. after lunch, my auntie wanted to see zara's new collection, and guess what?! zara was sale! ugh but I have to be patient because tomorrow I'll attend brightspot market at Plaza Indonesia!!!
5.00 p.m
we were heading to Balai Kartini to see INDONESIA INTERNATIONAL CIRCUS FESTIVAL JAKARTA 2010, yep guys, after the accident happened when the circus festival was still in parkir timur senayan, it moved to Balai Kartini. I think it was smaller than before. but the performance from CIRQUE LE MASQUE (from USA) was absolutely SUPERBBB!!!! it was amazing and awesome! I LLLLOVE IT <3 I took some pictures there :)
10.00 p.m
after had dinner at bakmi GM melawai, we went back to the hotel. we were so sleepy, and...yep good night :)

the tickets :)

oopsie, because of the rules that we mustn't take any pictures, I just took one picture :) hehehe

me with the cyclown circus from europe

with my cousin

me :)

bought these souvenirs

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


My fashion icon is Abbey Lee. Her real name is Abbey Lee Kershaw, and she was born on June 12 1987 in Melbourne, Australia.

-Why I love her? Because she's really a super-talented model, and for me, she's really my supermodel! I love her face that sooo cute in her model-off-duty look and at the first time I saw her, I thought, 'OH MY GOD, she's just a little girl but she walked on that WOW Alexander Mc Queen's runway' HAHAHA I know I know, she's not just a little girl but she's already 23 years old now. Yeah, this is my mistake, who saw her for the first time in one magazine that made one page about her with the picture of 'chubby' Abbey. But then I realized that how could be a model has a chubby face? hahahaha okay then, it was my mistake.

THIS. This is her picture, this is Abbey Lee picture.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Hi world, this is Shabrina here. I'm 14 y.o now and I'm fine, thanks. Nice to know you world *(?). Hell-a-yeah I'm kinda weird right now, maybe because of my problems and...whatever.

So, this is my second blog on blogger. why should I create the new one? cause I think it was my past, my elementary day(s). yep, I've had my first blog since I was in elementary school, and now I've already in second grade on junior high school. so, I just wanna create the new one, more fresh, and more up-to-date :)

I think this is all for my first post, see you in the next post! can't waaaaait >.<

PS: fyi, this is my first blog: ;)
